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photography owned by Kohler Co.

K e n s h o   C o l l e c t i o n 

Etched in natural stone, Kensho is a vibrant marriage of strength and beauty, Eastern motifs and Western artistic techniques. The sensuous curves of smooth carved stone reveal a patchwork of Japanese sashiko kimono patterns depicting organic elements such as waves, mountains, and bamboo. Inspired by a 15th-century Italian technique known as acquaforte, artisans etch textural patterns into the surface, creating a sense of movement across the stone. The etched patterns are then brought to life using a champagne-gold metallic finish. This labor-intensive handcrafted process, wrought on natural stone, makes each Kensho sink unique - and a stunning statement piece for the bath.

The Kensho collection is the first stone sink in the market to utilize this decorative etching technique.  The collection was designed by Carrie Hack through extensive pattern development, problem solving in material and process techniques, curation of the shape options, and color material finish pairing of the stones and metallic etching.

Kohler Kensho Art Basel

Art Basel 2017

Soho Beach House

Miami, Florida


KBIS 2018-2019

Screen Shot 2019-03-07 at 10.42.41

Kensho was featured product during the Experiential Luxury by Kohler at the Palazzo del Senato during Milan Design Week: April 9–14, 2019


Photography by Michael Huibregtse for Kohler

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